Three Farmers Quinoa

With big dreams of bringing Australian-grown quinoa to the Australian public, three farmers wanted to create a brand that captured their trail-blazing story.

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Three Farmers Web_Story_Copy.png
Three Farmers front page@4x.png

The logo featured customized hand-drawn type, textural details and a bright color palette. This was further extended into a rich visual language, including custom hand-drawn lettering, and whimsical illustrations.


The packaging used a bold hand-rendered typographic approach and solid yellow to cultivate strong shelf-appeal and brand recognition.

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3 Farmers Websute Mockup.png

On the website eye-catching photography, a well-crafted narrative and features such as a recipe portal offered the consumer the opportunity to connect with the brand and product on a deeper level.

Three Farmers Quinoa is now a recognized product available in most major supermarkets in Australia.

Logo & Identity | Business Cards | Website | Packaging

Work completed at The Globe Advertising and Design


Assure Medical Centre